

Page history last edited by Laskarina Polemi 7 years, 11 months ago

Glitter Words







Dear Students,

I am really glad I have been invited to join your and Miss Bougadi's workspace!

Together we will be exploring concepts and ideas related to the English language.

The aims of this page is to help all of us (re) approach not only our cognitive but also our affective aims.


In this light, I am posting a quizlet link to help you refresh your memory on Personality traits.

Have fun!

Laskarina Polemi



Task one:

Read the vocabulary on freedom and rights and discuss the following question:

Is freedom important for you in your daily routine? In what respect do you agree / disagree with that statement?






Made with Padlet

Solutions Vocabulary on Money issues




Watch the video made for James Bond's promotion of Skyfall



Now, answer the following questions: Use Simple Past, Past Continuous, Simple Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous.

1) What had been happening when the customers went to the mall?


Hint: You could write something like: The production team had been setting up a challenge for the promotion of the "Skyfall" film.


2) Stop the advertisement at 0:06 min. What was happening then?

3) What happened at 0:24 min of the advertisement?

4) What had happened before 0:47 min of the advertisement?

5) What had happened before the contestants tripped over (fell on) the oranges?

6) What had the contestants been doing before they won the free tickets?


Write your answers or comments in the discussion area below. At the beginning of your answer, indicate that you are going to comment on "Skyfall"


Click on the link below to write your answers. A document will appear.




Have fun!








Comments (10)

Laskarina Polemi said

at 9:51 am on Mar 6, 2017

Dear Students,
Please, go through unit 2 and post some commetns on words that you would like us to focus on.
Can you think of any other money related words not included in the unit?

Δέσποινα said

at 10:53 pm on Mar 6, 2017

I would like to know what does the word mainstream means ...

Laskarina Polemi said

at 2:01 pm on Mar 7, 2017

Good question, dear Deppie!
Mainstream means the "main trend". For example,"La la land" was a mainstream movie in 2016. Lots of people watched it!

Δέσποινα said

at 8:44 pm on Mar 7, 2017

thank you very much!

Nicholas Antoneas said

at 9:37 pm on Mar 10, 2017

Could you please tell me what the words scheme and outings mean?

Laskarina Polemi said

at 12:23 pm on Mar 11, 2017

Dear Nichoolas,
the word "scheme" means "systematic plan", whereas the word "outing(s)" is used to talk about "a trip lasting a day or less".
Keep up the giood work!

Nicholas Antoneas said

at 1:46 pm on Mar 12, 2017

Thank you ms Polemi!

Παναγιώτα said

at 8:48 pm on Mar 11, 2017

Could you tell me what mean the words squat and tycoon?

Laskarina Polemi said

at 10:25 pm on Mar 11, 2017

Dear Panagiota,
squatters occupy (abandoned) builidings and live in them without permission. A tycoon is a very rich person. You can find both these words in our Quizlet!
Keep up the good work!

Παναγιώτα said

at 6:47 pm on Mar 13, 2017

Thank you very much!!!

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