
B1's page

Page history last edited by Laskarina Polemi 7 years, 2 months ago

Dear Students,


Once again, I thank Miss Bougadi for allowing us to use her learning site.

This is the designated space for 2017/18 school year. I hope we will all have fun and get to co-operate even more!


For your first assignment on this site, please watch the video below:





a)Name at least two words that have been used in the English vocabulary since Dickens's times. In fact, Dickens was the one who coined them!

b) How has London changed since Dickens's times? Please, remember that Dickens was a Victorian writer. It might help if you did an online search as to what "Victorian" means. What do we mean by "Victorian Era" ?

c) How was the phrase "Merry Cristmas" made popular by?

d) Please, feel free to post any information you know about Charles Dickens. Do not copy-paste  web sites. Post your answers in the Padlet wall below. 


This assignment is to bear 2 marks out of your overall first term assessment!!!




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Dear Students,

The following set will hopefully help you revise vocabulary as presented in Unit 3 (Closing the generation gap) in our coursebook!



Task 2:

To view your second task please click here:


Comments (5)

Laskarina Polemi said

at 1:04 am on Sep 19, 2017

I am looking forward to reading your posts! Keep up the good work!

Nicholas Antoneas said

at 10:06 pm on Nov 21, 2017

Done with the assignment about Charles Dickens! I hope it's ok...

Laskarina Polemi said

at 10:46 pm on Nov 21, 2017

Dear Nicholas,
Your work is more than just ok! Your post was thoroughly prepared and to the point. Well done!

Μίλτος said

at 12:54 am on Nov 28, 2017

Κυρια Πολεμη καθως εγραφα την πρωτη αναρτηση βγηκα να παρω πληροφοριες και καταλαθος δημοσιευτηκε χωρις να το εχω ολοκληρωσει...Ανοιξα καινουργια σελιδα. και την ολοκληρωσα..μην λαβετε υποψη σας το πρωτο το μικρο αλλα το δευτερο το μεγαλο..

Laskarina Polemi said

at 9:34 pm on Nov 28, 2017

Dear Milto,
don't worry about it! Everything is under control. I wll delete it for you. You did a very good job! Well done!

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